Dr. Balram Airan
Cardio Thoracic & Vascular Surgeon
¨ M.Ch. (Cardiothoracic & VascularSurgery) | Dec., 1981 | AIIMS |
¨ M.S. (GeneralSurgery) | Dec., 1978 | PGIMER, Chandigarh |
¨ M.B.B.S. | Dec., 1975 | AIIMS |
Faculty member at AIIMS since Dec.1981 with following designation-
¨ AssistantProfessor(CTVS) | Dec., 81 to Feb.,1984 | AIIMS |
¨ Associate Professor(CTVS) | Mar., 84 to Jul., 1989 | AIIMS |
¨ Additional Professor(CTVS) | Jul., 89 to Mar., 1996 | AIIMS |
¨ Professor(CTVS) | Mar., 96 to Dec. 2017 | AIIMS |
Fellow – National Academy of Medical Sciences, India Fellow – International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences Fellow – IACTS
AT MGH, Jaipur,
Updated the departments of CTVS, Cardiology and Cardiac Anaesthesia. Instrumental in approval of DM ( Cardiology), DM (Cardiac Anaesthesia) programmes.
- Officiated as interim Director, AIIMS,Delhi from 01/02/2017 to 24/03/2017 as per the directive from Min. of H&FW and successfully fulfilled all the responsibilities during this duration including some majordecisions.
- Increased the seats for MBBScourse.
- Created new posts inMD/MS
- Created new course in superspecialties(DM/Mch/Fellowships)
- Increased seats for MSCs/MSCs nursing andM.Biotech
- Also, created seats in senior residencyprogramme
- Started DONOR HEART harvesting programme from OUTSIDE Delhi-NCR (Pune, Indore, Chandigarh, Jaipur)
- Achieved the milestone of completing more than 60 heart transplants at AIIMS, New Delhi – the maximum in any publicsector hospital in thecountry.
- There was signing-up of an MOU between AIIMS, New Delhi and FAM, Paris in the field of Cardiovascular Research, Infectious diseases andcancer.
- Major progress was made in the planning stage of NCVI (National Cardiovascular Institute) at Jhajjar campus ; AIIMS II;
- The department organized 4 workshops and conducted 11 wet labs both in AIIMS New Delhi and at other national centres to train national and international surgeons in management of complex cardiacproblems.
- The Department started a new course “DM (Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care)”, first in India and another course – Fellowship in AorticSurgery.
- Organized major cardiology meetings including India Live 2017 and CSI Delhi branch 2017.
- The faculties of the department along with JNU have launched a journal JPCS and are part of major cardiology journals including Indian heart journal and annals of pediatriccardiology.
- Department has been a pioneer in starting a fellowship in Pediatric Cardiac Anaesthesia
- All the faculties in the department are the Editorial board/Review member of various national and international Cardiac AnaesthesiA, Anaesthesia andEchocardiography journal
- A Text Book of Vascular Anaesthesia has been published by the joint effort of all the faculty members of thedepartment.
- Dr Poonam Malhotra has become the vice president of IACTA(non-elected)
- Sixty-five publications by the Department of Cardiac Anaesthesia published in various national and national journals.
- The faculties of Department attended five international conferences and presented papers /deliverlectures
- The faculty of the department delivered 34 lectures at various national and international scientific meetings.
- The department hosted 19 observers from various places in India and abroad.
- The department has installed a state of the art, currentgeneration Cardiovascular CT system with advanced post-processing workstations, which allow for highly precise information for diagnosis and treatment planning for various cardiovasculardiseases.
- Besides, a state of the art RIS-PACS DataCentre for immediate availability, 100% redundancy and 100% disaster recovery backup of all imaging data and reports for all investigations has been installed in thedepartment.
- Member of technical advisory group constituted by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for conducting Comprehensive national Nutrition Survey(CNNS).
- Provided technical support to UNICEF in master training of laboratory staff responsible for analysis in the CNNS.Also helped UNICEF in selection of CRO for the-survey
- Established normal values of cardiac synchrony using bothradionuclide ventriculography and myocardial perfusion SPECT in Indianpopulation.
- Further,demonstrated its role in patients with permanent pacemaker and in cardiac resynchronization therapy in several publications on these topics.
- The unit is involved in international multi–center research project titled “Value of intraventricular synchronism assessment by Gated SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) in the management of heart failure patients submitted to cardiac resynchronization therapy”, funded by International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna,Austria.
- Routine diagnostic reporting of Histopathology & Cytopathologycases
- Teaching of undergraduate students Postgraduatestudents
- Coordinating post graduate seminars, journalclubs
- Conducting Pulmonary Pathology interdepartmentalconferences
- Research and developmental activities, especially related to Cardiacand
- PulmonaryPathology
- Established DBT – Center of Excellence in Stem CellResearch
- Upgradation of the Facility to Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP); as per the National guidelines for Stem CellResearch
- Initiated PhD programme in Stem cellBiology
- Actively participated in formulating stem cell guidelines in collaborationwith ICMR & DCGI-CDSCO,etc
- Constitution of Supplementary Board of Expert for Certification of Brain Stem Death of AIIMS, New Delhi. 51 Faculty Members of various departments of AIIMS were empanelled by Secretary Health, GNCT ofDelhi.
- ORBO started Training Programme for Resident Doctors on Cadaver Organ and Tissue Donation Process. 3 Batches comprising 139 Resident Doctors from various departments of AIIMS weretrained.
- Conducted In service Nurses Training Programme on Cadaver Organ and Tissue Donation Process. 5 Batches comprising 93 nurses from various ICUsof AIIMS weretrained.
- Initiated Rotational Posting of Nursing Officers in ORBO to facilitate screening and maintenance of potential brain dead donors and approach relatives of patients for tissue donation in cardiacdeath.
- 46 Nos. of awareness camps were organized for public education and awareness generation on organ and tissue donation.
- 12282 persons pledged for organ and tissue donation on motivation ofORBO.
- The Blood Transfusion services of C.N. Centre caters to around the clock transfusion needs of patients admitted in C.N Centre of AIIMS by collecting, processing and providing safe and quality blood and bloodcomponents.
- Components like packed red cells, plasma, fresh frozen plasma, platelet rich plasma, platelet concentrate, cryoprecipitate, leucodepleted red cells and platelets are available in adequate nos. always. Facility for Apheresis procedures and autologous donation is available.
- Serological tests performed in the BTS include tests for blood grouping, screening for irregular antibodies, compatibility tests using latest technology like column agglutination.
- Pneumatic Tube System installed and used for transporting Patient blood samples and forms.
- Computerization of the Blood Bank activity and integration with the HIS is in
- Delivered Dr. Madhuri Nigam Memorial Oration on 7th March 2015 at G.B. Pant Hospital, NewDelhi.
- Delivered a lecture during the Techno College 2015 under the aegis of Indian Association of Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Surgery to be held from 28th to 29th March atJaipur.
- Conducted the inspection of Registration (New) of Dr. B.L. Kapur, Memorial Hospital, New Delhi on21.04.2015.
- Attended the Indo-US Health Summit at Minneapolis, USA 2nd to 5th August2015.
- Appointed member of the committee for making modifications in Recruitment Rules for faculty posts at PGIMER, Chandigarh in the month of October2015.
- Assigned Additional Assignment Dean, Academic, AIIMS June2015.
- Appointed as member of Aplex Technical committee,NOTTO
- Successfully restarted the LVAD programme in CT Centre at AIIMS since Dec.2015.
- Delivered the First Golden Jubilee oration of AIIMS on occasion of Institute Day on September 26th,2016.
- Delivered the prestigious J.P.Das Heart Failure Oration for the year 2016 on the topic “End-stage Heart Failure” at the 23rd Annual Conference ICCCON 2016 at Goa ( 16- 18 September 2016).
- Delivered the prestigious Professor P L Wahi oration during the conference of International Society for Heart Research India, on 27th January 2017 at the Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, NewDelhi.
- Awarded the “Certificate of honour” at the felicitation function organized by the Indian Society of Organ Donation at Indore on 5th
- Started DM in Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care and Fellowship in Aortic Surgery at CT Centre,AIIMS.
- Member of the team which performed Heart Transplant for the First time in India: 3rd 1994, which was acknowledged by Lok Sabha and later declared as “Heart TransplantDay”.
- Surgeon credited with maximum number of heart transplants in a Public Hospitalin India ( More than 50 includingchildren).
- Member of the team which performed left Ventricular Assisted Device Implantation for the first time in India andAsia.
- Member of the team which performed 2nd First TMR and Robotic CardiacSurgery.
- Member of the team which initiated Stem Cell Research for the first time in Cardiovascular diseases inIndia.
- Team Leader of Centre of Excellence in Stem Cell Project inAIIMS.
- Lead Investigator of the Stem Cell Clinical Trial in Myocardial Infract in India for the
- Special training in Cardiac Transplantation, Implantation of left Ventricular Assist Device and Transmyocardial Revascularization at Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, USA in 1994 &1997.
- Special training in Robotic Cardiac Surgery at daVinci Robotic system at Sunnyvale and Midland/Odessa inUSA.
- Visiting Professor at Department of Cardiac Surgery, Mafraq Hospital, Abu Dhabi, UAE in 1997 &2002.
- Conferred Dr. A.K. Basu visiting Professorship by Indian Association of Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgeons(1999).
- Associate Editor, Indian Journal of Thoracic & CardiovascularSurgery.
- S. Sadasivan Orator (2001-2002) – An honour bestowed by Indian Association of Cardiovascular & ThoracicSurgeons.
- Member of the Super Specialization Board (CTVS) National Board ofExaminations.
- Member of the Executive Committee of Indian Association of Cardiovascular- Thoracic Surgeons of India in the capacity of Junior Vice President (2002-2003), Senior Vice President(2003-2004).
- President (2004-2005) of Indian Association of Cardiovascular-Thoracic Surgeons of
- Past President (2005-2007) of Indian Association ofCardiovascular-Thoracic Surgeons ofIndia.
- Part of recruitment board for faculty members in various hospitals and institutions across India.
- Member of Asian Society of Cardio Vascular& ThoracicSurgery
- Founder Member of World Society for Pediatric CardiacSurgery
- Editorial board member of Annals of PediatricCardiology
- Recipient of National Best Medical Services award on Doctor’s International DayJuly 2011, organized by Netrika Manav Samjaj Utthan SewaSamiti.
- Professor K.V. Naidu Memoral Oration, AP CSI 16th Annual Conference at Hyderabad.
- 18th K.G. Deshpande Memorial Oration on behalf of the Oration Committee ofCardiological Society of India, Vidharbha Chapter, Nagpur(2009).
- B.L. Thapa Oration –An Honour bestowed by X International Surgical Society of Nepal, Kathmandu,Nepal.
Local & National
- Provided state of art training to specialist/ Staff from various hospitals like:-
- Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital,Delhi
- Safdarjung Hospital,Delhi
- Sri Sathya Sai Super Specaility Hospital, Puttaparthi, AndhraPradesh
- Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital,Shimla
- Sawai Mansingh Medical College,Jaipur
- Army Hospital (Research and Referral),Delhi
- Cardiac Thoracic Centre is designated for VVIP care for past 20 years. Initially with the help of my predecessor and now as Chief of the Centre, a comprehensive unit to take care of VVIP patients efficiently is inplace.
We have trained surgeons, doctors, technical staffs and patients from other countries like :-
- Nepal,
- Bangladesh,
- Kenya,
- North Korea,
- SAARC Countries.
Responsibility towards National Health Goals
- As Chief helped other states of India and countries to gain knowledge and insight into latest cardiac careprogramme.
- Advancement in Stem Cell Research inIndia.
- Organized program on Organ donation and Organtransplantation.
- As a President of the Indian Association of Cardio Thoracic Surgeons of India (2005- 2007) initiated various CMEProgrammes.
Social Responsibilities
- As Chief looked into the requirements of patients from economically poor strata, like exemption of fees, giving proper timely medical careetc.
- As Senior Vice President of Indian Association of Cardio Thoracic Surgeons of India (2003-2004) organized a conference which was free for all students and with a nominal fee of Rs 500/- for others. This resulted in maximum number of delegates participating and being benefitted from it.
Professional Service
- Performed more than 30,000 Cardiac operative procedures. The variety includes coronary/ Valvular/congenital heart diseases including Cardiac Transplant, LVAD implants, Batista procedure, OPCAB and various complex Cardiaclesions.
- Examiner for M.Ch/DNB courses at various Universities & Institutes ofIndia.
- Chairperson of the committee for the Accreditation of cardiac/lung/heart lungtransplant on behalf of DGHS (Directorate General of HealthServices).
- Have inspected various Universities and Institutes on behalf of super specialty board of MCI & NBE for M.Ch/ DNB (CTVSProgrammes).
- There is an acute shortage of cardiac surgeons in India, which amounts to only about 1500. Taking the cognizance of acute shortage of cardiac surgeons, we have trained more than 150 M.Ch (CTVS) surgeons who hold prestigious positions in Indian and International Universities/ Institutions. This training process is ongoing and we train more than seven candidates per year. We have also proposed toincrease the M.Ch seats to 10 peryear.
- Short term trainees from India and abroad–30
- Participated and initiated various community health and public awareness programme on All India Radio, TV, and PrintMedia.
- Participated in programmes on Cardiac care diseases both in adult andpaediatrics.
- Delivered more than 100 invited, keynote and plenary lectures in public awareness program through various National and International forums. Participated in liveprograms and discussion though electronic media including All India Radio and Doordarshan.
- Chaired innumerable sessions in various National/International conferences and participated in many symposia on coronary/valvular and congenitallesions.
- Research Projects – 165 (Clinical, basic and translational research),e.g.,
- Principal Investigator at AIIMS, India for treatment of congestive cardiac failure (STICH Trial)- An International Multicentric TrialStudy.
- Centree of Excellence Project supported by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, atAIIMS.
- Study of Stem Cell Therapy in patients with myocardial infarction and persistent total occlusion of infarct related artery [Cell therapy in Occluded Arteries Treatment(COAT)].
- REMOTE IMPACT- Remote Ischemic preconditioning in cardiacsurgery.
- CORONARY Trial- International multicentric clinical trial comparing On pump CABG vs. Off pumpCABG.
- FREEDOM Trial: Future Revascularisation Evaluation in patients withDiabetes mellitus: Optimal management of Multivessel disease (FREEDOM) Clinical trial comparing multivessel DES versus CABG in diabetes, Funded by HIN, Bethesda, MD,USA.
- Study of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells with respect to its isolation, characterization and in vitro differentiation into cardiac and neuronal cell lineage
- Published more than 200 research papers in peer reviewed national and international journals with significant impactfactor
[Highest Impact Factor of 53.2 ]
(Ref. N Engl J Med 2012; 366:1489-1497 April 19, 2012 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1200388)]
Cardio Thoracic & Vascular Surgeon
¨ M.Ch. (Cardiothoracic & VascularSurgery) | Dec., 1981 | AIIMS |
¨ M.S. (GeneralSurgery) | Dec., 1978 | PGIMER, Chandigarh |
¨ M.B.B.S. | Dec., 1975 | AIIMS |
Faculty member at AIIMS since Dec.1981 with following designation-
¨ AssistantProfessor(CTVS) | Dec., 81 to Feb.,1984 | AIIMS |
¨ Associate Professor(CTVS) | Mar., 84 to Jul., 1989 | AIIMS |
¨ Additional Professor(CTVS) | Jul., 89 to Mar., 1996 | AIIMS |
¨ Professor(CTVS) | Mar., 96 to Dec. 2017 | AIIMS |
Fellow – National Academy of Medical Sciences, India Fellow – International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences Fellow – IACTS
AT MGH, Jaipur,
Updated the departments of CTVS, Cardiology and Cardiac Anaesthesia. Instrumental in approval of DM ( Cardiology), DM (Cardiac Anaesthesia) programmes.
- Officiated as interim Director, AIIMS,Delhi from 01/02/2017 to 24/03/2017 as per the directive from Min. of H&FW and successfully fulfilled all the responsibilities during this duration including some majordecisions.
- Increased the seats for MBBScourse.
- Created new posts inMD/MS
- Created new course in superspecialties(DM/Mch/Fellowships)
- Increased seats for MSCs/MSCs nursing andM.Biotech
- Also, created seats in senior residencyprogramme
- Started DONOR HEART harvesting programme from OUTSIDE Delhi-NCR (Pune, Indore, Chandigarh, Jaipur)
- Achieved the milestone of completing more than 60 heart transplants at AIIMS, New Delhi – the maximum in any publicsector hospital in thecountry.
- There was signing-up of an MOU between AIIMS, New Delhi and FAM, Paris in the field of Cardiovascular Research, Infectious diseases andcancer.
- Major progress was made in the planning stage of NCVI (National Cardiovascular Institute) at Jhajjar campus ; AIIMS II;
- The department organized 4 workshops and conducted 11 wet labs both in AIIMS New Delhi and at other national centres to train national and international surgeons in management of complex cardiacproblems.
- The Department started a new course “DM (Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care)”, first in India and another course – Fellowship in AorticSurgery.
- Organized major cardiology meetings including India Live 2017 and CSI Delhi branch 2017.
- The faculties of the department along with JNU have launched a journal JPCS and are part of major cardiology journals including Indian heart journal and annals of pediatriccardiology.
- Department has been a pioneer in starting a fellowship in Pediatric Cardiac Anaesthesia
- All the faculties in the department are the Editorial board/Review member of various national and international Cardiac AnaesthesiA, Anaesthesia andEchocardiography journal
- A Text Book of Vascular Anaesthesia has been published by the joint effort of all the faculty members of thedepartment.
- Dr Poonam Malhotra has become the vice president of IACTA(non-elected)
- Sixty-five publications by the Department of Cardiac Anaesthesia published in various national and national journals.
- The faculties of Department attended five international conferences and presented papers /deliverlectures
- The faculty of the department delivered 34 lectures at various national and international scientific meetings.
- The department hosted 19 observers from various places in India and abroad.
- The department has installed a state of the art, currentgeneration Cardiovascular CT system with advanced post-processing workstations, which allow for highly precise information for diagnosis and treatment planning for various cardiovasculardiseases.
- Besides, a state of the art RIS-PACS DataCentre for immediate availability, 100% redundancy and 100% disaster recovery backup of all imaging data and reports for all investigations has been installed in thedepartment.
- Member of technical advisory group constituted by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for conducting Comprehensive national Nutrition Survey(CNNS).
- Provided technical support to UNICEF in master training of laboratory staff responsible for analysis in the CNNS.Also helped UNICEF in selection of CRO for the-survey
- Established normal values of cardiac synchrony using bothradionuclide ventriculography and myocardial perfusion SPECT in Indianpopulation.
- Further,demonstrated its role in patients with permanent pacemaker and in cardiac resynchronization therapy in several publications on these topics.
- The unit is involved in international multi–center research project titled “Value of intraventricular synchronism assessment by Gated SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) in the management of heart failure patients submitted to cardiac resynchronization therapy”, funded by International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna,Austria.
- Routine diagnostic reporting of Histopathology & Cytopathologycases
- Teaching of undergraduate students Postgraduatestudents
- Coordinating post graduate seminars, journalclubs
- Conducting Pulmonary Pathology interdepartmentalconferences
- Research and developmental activities, especially related to Cardiacand
- PulmonaryPathology
- Established DBT – Center of Excellence in Stem CellResearch
- Upgradation of the Facility to Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP); as per the National guidelines for Stem CellResearch
- Initiated PhD programme in Stem cellBiology
- Actively participated in formulating stem cell guidelines in collaborationwith ICMR & DCGI-CDSCO,etc
- Constitution of Supplementary Board of Expert for Certification of Brain Stem Death of AIIMS, New Delhi. 51 Faculty Members of various departments of AIIMS were empanelled by Secretary Health, GNCT ofDelhi.
- ORBO started Training Programme for Resident Doctors on Cadaver Organ and Tissue Donation Process. 3 Batches comprising 139 Resident Doctors from various departments of AIIMS weretrained.
- Conducted In service Nurses Training Programme on Cadaver Organ and Tissue Donation Process. 5 Batches comprising 93 nurses from various ICUsof AIIMS weretrained.
- Initiated Rotational Posting of Nursing Officers in ORBO to facilitate screening and maintenance of potential brain dead donors and approach relatives of patients for tissue donation in cardiacdeath.
- 46 Nos. of awareness camps were organized for public education and awareness generation on organ and tissue donation.
- 12282 persons pledged for organ and tissue donation on motivation ofORBO.
- The Blood Transfusion services of C.N. Centre caters to around the clock transfusion needs of patients admitted in C.N Centre of AIIMS by collecting, processing and providing safe and quality blood and bloodcomponents.
- Components like packed red cells, plasma, fresh frozen plasma, platelet rich plasma, platelet concentrate, cryoprecipitate, leucodepleted red cells and platelets are available in adequate nos. always. Facility for Apheresis procedures and autologous donation is available.
- Serological tests performed in the BTS include tests for blood grouping, screening for irregular antibodies, compatibility tests using latest technology like column agglutination.
- Pneumatic Tube System installed and used for transporting Patient blood samples and forms.
- Computerization of the Blood Bank activity and integration with the HIS is in
- Delivered Dr. Madhuri Nigam Memorial Oration on 7th March 2015 at G.B. Pant Hospital, NewDelhi.
- Delivered a lecture during the Techno College 2015 under the aegis of Indian Association of Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Surgery to be held from 28th to 29th March atJaipur.
- Conducted the inspection of Registration (New) of Dr. B.L. Kapur, Memorial Hospital, New Delhi on21.04.2015.
- Attended the Indo-US Health Summit at Minneapolis, USA 2nd to 5th August2015.
- Appointed member of the committee for making modifications in Recruitment Rules for faculty posts at PGIMER, Chandigarh in the month of October2015.
- Assigned Additional Assignment Dean, Academic, AIIMS June2015.
- Appointed as member of Aplex Technical committee,NOTTO
- Successfully restarted the LVAD programme in CT Centre at AIIMS since Dec.2015.
- Delivered the First Golden Jubilee oration of AIIMS on occasion of Institute Day on September 26th,2016.
- Delivered the prestigious J.P.Das Heart Failure Oration for the year 2016 on the topic “End-stage Heart Failure” at the 23rd Annual Conference ICCCON 2016 at Goa ( 16- 18 September 2016).
- Delivered the prestigious Professor P L Wahi oration during the conference of International Society for Heart Research India, on 27th January 2017 at the Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, NewDelhi.
- Awarded the “Certificate of honour” at the felicitation function organized by the Indian Society of Organ Donation at Indore on 5th
- Started DM in Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care and Fellowship in Aortic Surgery at CT Centre,AIIMS.
- Member of the team which performed Heart Transplant for the First time in India: 3rd 1994, which was acknowledged by Lok Sabha and later declared as “Heart TransplantDay”.
- Surgeon credited with maximum number of heart transplants in a Public Hospitalin India ( More than 50 includingchildren).
- Member of the team which performed left Ventricular Assisted Device Implantation for the first time in India andAsia.
- Member of the team which performed 2nd First TMR and Robotic CardiacSurgery.
- Member of the team which initiated Stem Cell Research for the first time in Cardiovascular diseases inIndia.
- Team Leader of Centre of Excellence in Stem Cell Project inAIIMS.
- Lead Investigator of the Stem Cell Clinical Trial in Myocardial Infract in India for the
- Special training in Cardiac Transplantation, Implantation of left Ventricular Assist Device and Transmyocardial Revascularization at Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, USA in 1994 &1997.
- Special training in Robotic Cardiac Surgery at daVinci Robotic system at Sunnyvale and Midland/Odessa inUSA.
- Visiting Professor at Department of Cardiac Surgery, Mafraq Hospital, Abu Dhabi, UAE in 1997 &2002.
- Conferred Dr. A.K. Basu visiting Professorship by Indian Association of Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgeons(1999).
- Associate Editor, Indian Journal of Thoracic & CardiovascularSurgery.
- S. Sadasivan Orator (2001-2002) – An honour bestowed by Indian Association of Cardiovascular & ThoracicSurgeons.
- Member of the Super Specialization Board (CTVS) National Board ofExaminations.
- Member of the Executive Committee of Indian Association of Cardiovascular- Thoracic Surgeons of India in the capacity of Junior Vice President (2002-2003), Senior Vice President(2003-2004).
- President (2004-2005) of Indian Association of Cardiovascular-Thoracic Surgeons of
- Past President (2005-2007) of Indian Association ofCardiovascular-Thoracic Surgeons ofIndia.
- Part of recruitment board for faculty members in various hospitals and institutions across India.
- Member of Asian Society of Cardio Vascular& ThoracicSurgery
- Founder Member of World Society for Pediatric CardiacSurgery
- Editorial board member of Annals of PediatricCardiology
- Recipient of National Best Medical Services award on Doctor’s International DayJuly 2011, organized by Netrika Manav Samjaj Utthan SewaSamiti.
- Professor K.V. Naidu Memoral Oration, AP CSI 16th Annual Conference at Hyderabad.
- 18th K.G. Deshpande Memorial Oration on behalf of the Oration Committee ofCardiological Society of India, Vidharbha Chapter, Nagpur(2009).
- B.L. Thapa Oration –An Honour bestowed by X International Surgical Society of Nepal, Kathmandu,Nepal.
Local & National
- Provided state of art training to specialist/ Staff from various hospitals like:-
- Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital,Delhi
- Safdarjung Hospital,Delhi
- Sri Sathya Sai Super Specaility Hospital, Puttaparthi, AndhraPradesh
- Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital,Shimla
- Sawai Mansingh Medical College,Jaipur
- Army Hospital (Research and Referral),Delhi
- Cardiac Thoracic Centre is designated for VVIP care for past 20 years. Initially with the help of my predecessor and now as Chief of the Centre, a comprehensive unit to take care of VVIP patients efficiently is inplace.
We have trained surgeons, doctors, technical staffs and patients from other countries like :-
- Nepal,
- Bangladesh,
- Kenya,
- North Korea,
- SAARC Countries.
Responsibility towards National Health Goals
- As Chief helped other states of India and countries to gain knowledge and insight into latest cardiac careprogramme.
- Advancement in Stem Cell Research inIndia.
- Organized program on Organ donation and Organtransplantation.
- As a President of the Indian Association of Cardio Thoracic Surgeons of India (2005- 2007) initiated various CMEProgrammes.
Social Responsibilities
- As Chief looked into the requirements of patients from economically poor strata, like exemption of fees, giving proper timely medical careetc.
- As Senior Vice President of Indian Association of Cardio Thoracic Surgeons of India (2003-2004) organized a conference which was free for all students and with a nominal fee of Rs 500/- for others. This resulted in maximum number of delegates participating and being benefitted from it.
Professional Service
- Performed more than 30,000 Cardiac operative procedures. The variety includes coronary/ Valvular/congenital heart diseases including Cardiac Transplant, LVAD implants, Batista procedure, OPCAB and various complex Cardiaclesions.
- Examiner for M.Ch/DNB courses at various Universities & Institutes ofIndia.
- Chairperson of the committee for the Accreditation of cardiac/lung/heart lungtransplant on behalf of DGHS (Directorate General of HealthServices).
- Have inspected various Universities and Institutes on behalf of super specialty board of MCI & NBE for M.Ch/ DNB (CTVSProgrammes).
- There is an acute shortage of cardiac surgeons in India, which amounts to only about 1500. Taking the cognizance of acute shortage of cardiac surgeons, we have trained more than 150 M.Ch (CTVS) surgeons who hold prestigious positions in Indian and International Universities/ Institutions. This training process is ongoing and we train more than seven candidates per year. We have also proposed toincrease the M.Ch seats to 10 peryear.
- Short term trainees from India and abroad–30
- Participated and initiated various community health and public awareness programme on All India Radio, TV, and PrintMedia.
- Participated in programmes on Cardiac care diseases both in adult andpaediatrics.
- Delivered more than 100 invited, keynote and plenary lectures in public awareness program through various National and International forums. Participated in liveprograms and discussion though electronic media including All India Radio and Doordarshan.
- Chaired innumerable sessions in various National/International conferences and participated in many symposia on coronary/valvular and congenitallesions.
- Research Projects – 165 (Clinical, basic and translational research),e.g.,
- Principal Investigator at AIIMS, India for treatment of congestive cardiac failure (STICH Trial)- An International Multicentric TrialStudy.
- Centree of Excellence Project supported by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, atAIIMS.
- Study of Stem Cell Therapy in patients with myocardial infarction and persistent total occlusion of infarct related artery [Cell therapy in Occluded Arteries Treatment(COAT)].
- REMOTE IMPACT- Remote Ischemic preconditioning in cardiacsurgery.
- CORONARY Trial- International multicentric clinical trial comparing On pump CABG vs. Off pumpCABG.
- FREEDOM Trial: Future Revascularisation Evaluation in patients withDiabetes mellitus: Optimal management of Multivessel disease (FREEDOM) Clinical trial comparing multivessel DES versus CABG in diabetes, Funded by HIN, Bethesda, MD,USA.
- Study of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells with respect to its isolation, characterization and in vitro differentiation into cardiac and neuronal cell lineage
- Published more than 200 research papers in peer reviewed national and international journals with significant impactfactor
[Highest Impact Factor of 53.2 ]
(Ref. N Engl J Med 2012; 366:1489-1497 April 19, 2012 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1200388)]