Dr. Tapan Chakraborty, Ph.D., retired from the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D), Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India as DIG/Dy. Director. His key contributions include research and publications on policing system, gender justice, correctional administration, human rights, internal security,and related issues. Dr. Chakraborty has an uncanny knack for writing well researchedbooks, research papers, articles and monograms which are regularly published in India and abroad (Germany, USA and Canada). He has authoredover 30 books, either edited or self-written or co-authored with a noted expert on criminology namely JohnWinterdyk, Senior Professor of Mount Royal University, Canada, on different aspects of policing, homeland security and other related issues. Besides other awards, he is a recipient of the GovindVallabh Pant Award for writing a book titled “Samudaayik Police Vyavastha” in Hindi in the year 2002. Also, Government of India recognized his exemplary services by bestowing on him the President’sPolice Medal for Meritorious Services on the eve of Independence Day in the year 2009.
Dr. Chakraborty has guided Ph.D. students of Criminology from different universities like Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi University, London School of Economics, Monas University, Australia, Madras University, Sagar University, LNJP National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Sciences, Calcutta University, Dharward University and others. He was a regular Guest Faculty in reputed Universities/Institutes/government organisations, and has delivered lectures in various national and international conferences. Dr. Chakraborty has received recognitions from senior police officers like Dr. KiranBedi IPS (Retd.), former Lt. Governor of Puducherry, Shri Shankar Sen IPS (Retd), Shri Kamal Kumar, IPS (Retd.), Shri Prasun Mukherjee, lPS (Retd.) for his outstanding contributions to research and administration.
Dr. Chakraborty is the Executive Director of Foundation for Police Research and Editor of COPS Today lnternational, a Journal of international repute. He was two times Jury Member for Outstanding Security Performances Award (OSPA). Following retirement, Dr. Chakraborty served in the Ministry of Culture, Government of India as a Consultant for over eight years in the Special/C&M Cell, Vigyan Bhawan Annexe, New Delhi and gathered ample experience on various aspects of commemorations and other references. Besides, he is fond of Indian classical music and is a teacher and practitioner of Sitar